Retake Policy
We understand that you may need a refresher on the materials covered in a particular class. Students who attend a public, open enrollment course are welcome to retake any open enrollment course one time — as long as the class is still offered on the schedule and seats are available. Please read the details below:
- Students have one year to retake a class; retakes are valid for the identical course and software version.
- Students must use the courseware provided to them from the original class and use it during the retake class.
- Registration for the retake is required and there is no guarantee of space or availability.
- One week’s notice is required to reschedule or cancel any class registration, including free retakes. If a request to cancel or reschedule a retake is received with less than one week’s notice, then the cost to retake the class will be $50.
- The retake policy does not apply to on-site or custom courses unless special arrangements have been made, in advance.